Wed 31 Oct 2012 7:30pm
you’ve heard what the judge thinks . . . . now it’s your turn!
<strong>Plus - If you didn't manage to go you can find out how we got on in the UK (PAGB) Inter-Club Print Championship.<strong>
<strong>Plus – Final Online Entry for Round Two of the PDI League Competition on 28 November and Final Online Entry of the Titles for Round Two of both Print League Competitions on 5 December.</strong> The Actual Prints will be accepted up to 7 November but ONLY if the Titles have been submitted by the Online Entry Date.
Club Draw - The Return.
Please bring your £1s.
A rollover draw, so has to be won to-night; the prize pot starts at £16. With 3 extra balls (1 - 66 now available) the potential maximum prize for a full house has increased.
Good Luck.
Congratulations to Les Fraser who won the rollover draw and pocketed the prize of £25.
New draw next week.
Good Luck.
Lots of people haven't uploaded their PDI's yet - not many hours left!
Good print entries except Mono B which has only 7 prints so far!
I am hoping to put some entries in... nearer to the deadline tho!
I have extended the title window by 1 week at the moment. I think Gordon was confusing the words 'nearer to the deadline' with 'past the deadline'. Rod, please advise if you wish this closing date to be sooner? Likewise, any member wishing to add their titles but forgot, then now's your chance.
Yeh Yeh!!
Done it now... so you can close it now!
I've reduced it to 1 day. So both comps are open for entry today and will close again at midnight tonight.
And the PDI by 1 more day.
I think everyone has entered now so a midnight closing today will be good.