Tue 27 Sep 2011 11:00pm
Tonight we'll look at what is involved in producing a panel of pictures rather than just an individual image. Alba results announced this week.
The prize draw was won last Wednesday (21st) by Alex McEwan, who took home £20.50. Please bring your £1's and have a modest flutter tonight. It all helps our funds.
Results of the Alba:
01 Snow Sky by Jim McMichael
02 Clatteringshaw by Terry Gilroy
03 Loch Ettrick Ae by Sandy Robertson
04 Dalswinton by Terry Gilroy
05 Castlemilk by Margaret Elliot
06 kbt marina by Sandy Robertson
07 Tongland Power Station by Sandy Robertson
08 Samye Ling stupa by Ronnie Galloway
09 Jean Armour at St Michael's Church by Margaret Elliot
10 Otter Pool Galloway forest Park by Sandy Robertson
11 Tour DoonHame 2011 by Ronnie Galloway
12 Scottish Heathhall 2011 Faulkner by Les Fraser
Congratulations to those who won! 21 members took part this year and entered 139 images between them. This is the most we're had in the 3 years of running the Calendar competition. As most of you know, the winners receive £10 for a chosen image and the club also receives £100 towards our funds.
Commiserations to those who took part and didn't win anything but I think we're all starting to understand the kind of Dumfries and Galloway images that Alba like to feature (well Sandy does!!) and the competition is getting quite fierce - there were a lot of good images to choose from. We may run this again next year if the club members are still keen to take part?
I'll bring along a good handful of calendars to give away as soon as I receive them.
Many thanks again!
Well done again Ian and good for the club.