There will be a club draw at tea time - helps to keep the annual subscriptions down.
So, please bring your £1s and have a modest flutter.
Thanks to all who have supported the draw throughout this season; I hope you've found it a bit of harmless fun. You really have made a difference to club funds, much appreciated.
No, thank you Catherine for being there each week
with your balls
yes you spin them very well ... there is no cure for 'Bafrs' though - small 'ball and finger rotation syndrome', so don't say you weren't warned.
As you will see from the accounts at the AGM a significant portion of our small trading surplus this year and last are due to the raffle and the tea money so well done everyone who helps.
Well done Catherine: obviously your draws are real weekly money spinners. You must keep them up next year. And thanks to the brewers.
Is it just me?
Where's the minutes and agenda for to-night's meeting?
There will be a club draw at tea time - helps to keep the annual subscriptions down.
So, please bring your £1s and have a modest flutter.
Thanks to all who have supported the draw throughout this season; I hope you've found it a bit of harmless fun. You really have made a difference to club funds, much appreciated.
No, thank you Catherine for being there each week
with your balls
yes you spin them very well ... there is no cure for 'Bafrs' though - small 'ball and finger rotation syndrome', so don't say you weren't warned.
As you will see from the accounts at the AGM a significant portion of our small trading surplus this year and last are due to the raffle and the tea money so well done everyone who helps.
Well done Catherine: obviously your draws are real weekly money spinners. You must keep them up next year. And thanks to the brewers.
Is it just me?
Where's the minutes and agenda for to-night's meeting?