Photo Retouching Skills night

Wed 3 Oct 2012 6:30pm

An update on the skills and techniques required to improve your photography. Details TBA.


Rumour has it that in the second half of the evening I will have a bit of fun with layer masks, do some layer blending and finally use Blend If, which is a sight less complicated than it appears. Blame Geoff Walter - he asked the question that gave me the idea!

Sounds good John.

Rumour has it that in the first half I shall be demonstrating features of Elements 10 and why, for most people, this relatively inexpensive programme makes a perfectly good substitute for Photoshop.

Rumour has it that in part 3 of the night I shall be having a pint in Cavens.

Rumour has it that Parts 1.5 and 2.5 will be the club draw! Perhaps you can win enough to join John for Part 3. This rollover draw has a prize pot starting at £13.50 and has to be won.

I know I've been shown before - but can someone please demonstrate a simple way to straighten horizons; all mine are currently running south-west!

What application will you be using to do this?

Photoshop, 6 or 7 I think. Nothing too recent or fancy.

Hi Catherine

To straighten horizons using Photoshop, one thing you can do is go to View and tick Show Rulers. Click on the ruler line and while holding the mouse button down drag a ruler down near the horizon on your photo. Select your photo using CTRL +A. Go to Edit menu and down to Rotate. Choose one of the corners of your photo and use it to rotate your photo until it is parallel with the ruler. Next, deselect the phot using CTRL + D.

Now drag the ruler line up to the ruler to get rid of it and go back to View and untick Show Rulers.

I think I've remembered the steps for this.

Hi Ronnie,

Thanks, think I can follow that. I'll give it a try and if successful will inflict the results on you all in the next PDI or MCC comp; or both.

Hi Catherine

I realised later that me instructions are not quite complete. After doing all that you might want either to crop the resulting image or clone in bits to fill the resulting white spaces.

If you shoot RAW you can straighten in the RAW convertor and I'm sure Simon is going to demonstrate that.


Or you can crop and straighten.  Drag out a partial crop (you can have one edge near the horizon line) and then take the cursor outside where it will become a rotate tool.  Rotate until you are satisfied and then pull the crop out to where you want it.  You might need to clone in some corners to get the crop you want.

Eh? Not sure I understood that (Tina you are not alone!!).

Yes, I'm shooting in RAW, the converter is probably pretty basic. However, I'll try and note down what Simon says.

I thought I had written that at Tina level ....

Hi Rod,

Must mean I'm at sub-Tina level....


I shall certainly be demonstarting how to straighten horizons in Adobe's Raw Convertor, along with lots of other useful techniques in my lecture on the 12th of December.

Just when I'm off on holiday, hopefully taking more photos (which'll probably need their horizons straightened!).