
The Dumfries Camera Club is one of the most successful amateur photographic clubs in Scotland and is consistently in the top rank of clubs in the UK. We are affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) through the Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF).  The camera club is a great place to share your photographs and, if you wish, enter our regular friendly print and digital competitions, where you can learn from the critiques by experienced judges and have an opportunity to expand your knowledge and take better images.


The club meets from 7.15pm, Wednesday evenings at the Gracefield Studios, Edinburgh Road, Dumfries. View the how to find us page for directions. Visitors and new members are always made welcome! (visitor fee £5.00, deductible from membership fee on joining)


  • £75 for the 2024 - 2025 Season

Becoming a member of Dumfries Camera Club also gives you access to the Members' Area of the club website where you can view members' only pages, make comments, upload images to your gallery and even enter our monthly competitions online.  

The season typically starts at the end of August and runs through till the end of April or first week of May. When you join your subscription is valid until the end of the season, but you will have continued access to this Members' Area throughout the summer months, and for the first month of the following season. Members need to renew by the last Wednesday in September each year to maintain their website access.


For enquiries email:

Other Things You Should Know

Outings: The club has various trips thoughout the year which are planned reasonably well in advance. These are announced on club nights, through our e-Newsletter or listed on the programme page. These include dedicated photographic trips, or national competition weekends where you can experience the excitement of the judging process up-close. Members also arrange bespoke photographic trips and other opportunities on the members bulletin board, so keep a look-out for any of these events if you are interested.