Former President and current Vice-President of Dumfries Camera Club, Rod Wheelans has received the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain's highest award for service.
From the PAGB:
Rod Wheelans MPAGB MFIAP FIPF HonPAGB HonSPF joined the PAGB Executive committee in April 1990 as the member from the Scottish Photographic Federation and has served continuously ever since in a variety of roles including President, 2005-2007, Chairman of the Inter-Club Print championship committee, 1996 to date, Chairman of the Awards for Photographic Merit, 1997 to date and, of course, he is the Hon. Editor of e-news. At the 2016 AGM he was elected to the post of Honorary Life Vice-President, joining PAGB legends, John Hill HonPAGB ESFIAP, Marjorie Marshall HonPAGB ARPS and Ian Platt MFIAP FRPS HonPAGB HonEFIAP.